The Grace Crew is dedicated to praising and worshipping God in spirit and in truth (John 4 vs 24) and drawing people into His presence through songs of praise and thanksgiving (Psalm 100 vs 4) by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. God inhabits the praises of His people, and he responds with great miracles, signs, and wonders. Join us today and experience the blessings of worshipping and praising God.



The protocol unit is committed to maintaining orderliness in the house of God (1 Cor 14 vs 40) with emphasis on God's instructions, mutual respect, Church administration etiquette, and a welcoming attitude to all.



The medium by which a man can make His request known to God is through prayers (Philippians 4:16). With this understanding and the help of Almighty God, the prayer Department is committed to making the request of the church, families, and individuals known to God. We have the confidence that God Almighty will answer our prayers as you join us to pray to Him (John 14 vs 13).



Through our evangelism department we fulfill our Lord's mandate in Acts 1:8 by spreading the good news and being His witness through the power of the Holy Ghost. Our evangelism unit also ministers to the welfare of the needy around us as we minister to them in the Word of God.



Matthew 19:14, Psalms 127:3. The children department (Grace Heritage) is a fundamental part of the church structure. We are committed to the divine mandate to raise godly children that will raise the banner of Christ in their generation. This is a place where the raw and undiluted word of God is taught in a fun-filled environment. The syllabus is tailored to help the children thrive in the spiritual and secular works of life. MORE ABOUT US



The excellent men of RCCG Grace Chapel are committed to promoting Godly love within the fellowship and the church at large (1 Cor 13 vs 13). We are committed to prayer meetings and knowledge-sharing sessions that will lead to the growth of the church, unity among Men's fellowship and other members, unity within the families, and how to be a good father to our children and a good husband to our wives. We are passionate about having a fellowship in which all members will love God, love our wives, and raise Godly Children.



"Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity (1Timothy 4:12)". The youth church is an age-specific group of young people who are committed to growth in the knowledge and the grace of God. We believe that for the body of Christ to grow, it is important to start with the future of the church- the youth. Together with our Spiritual projects in the youth church we also engage in service/mission projects as well as activities for entertainment and sports.


SUNDAY SCHOOL(Search the Scriptures)

2Timothy 3:16-17; the search the scripture meeting is an important part of the Sunday service which holds every Sunday morning before the worship service. It is a platform that is focused on building up the church in all facets of life as we grow in our knowledge of the Word of God. This moment in the word present everyone the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarifications where necessary. The knowledge of Holy Spirit bestows should then be transferred from the head to heart and to hands.



Psalms 68:11; the women group (ladies of Grace) is focused on being the help that God has called us; to proclaim the goodness of God, propagate the gospel of salvation and possess the gates of our homes in prayer. We have a monthly program tagged MORE THAN RUBIES where we pray and teach the word of God pertaining to building our homes (finances, business investment, marital fulfillment and career development).


